After much ado, I present to you my semester project for Fundamentals of Photo-j! I learned so much from this experience, and I would like to thank Kaycee and Jamie Blackburn a thousand times for their patience and kindness, and for being so photogenic! :)
Three Jobs and Counting
Kaycee Blackburn, 19, of Columbia, MO, works three jobs to scrape by. "I like being busy," she said. "I feel more alive now that I'm busy than I've ever felt before." She is a street performer, a customer service associate at a shop downtown and a model for nearby college art programs. She also finds time to volunteer at a nonprofit organization.
Kaycee Blackburn and her brother Jamie perform in downtown Columbia on April 27, 2010. Blackburn calls her art "living statue". On this occasion, she was playing the role of a tree.
Blackburn works every day at a downtown store. She adopts a persona even more outgoing than her usual personality for the job.
Blackburn helps clean up after Earth Day festivities for the nonprofit organization on April 29, 2010.
Blackburn volunteers at a nonprofit organization downtown for several hours each week. Here, she inspects a cup to see if it is fit for recycling.